Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):
Is the nation of Libertaria associated with the Libertarian political party or the nation of Liberia?
Absolutely not. The nation of Libertaria is an independent Nation. Libertaria is not a creation of any political party, government entity, secret society, or any group seeking a nefarious reason. Berty Khan created the nation’s name based on the following words:
o Liberty – Liberty is the state of being FREE within society from control or oppressive restrictions imposed by authority
o Libertalia – a legendary free colony founded by Pirates
o Tartaria – the greatest empire of our known history. Created and ruled by Ghengis Khan for 72 years. Some independent researchers claim the Tartarians were giant humans, master builders, and had technologies more advanced than modern day technologies.
Is Libertaria a real nation?
Article 3 of of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States specifically says that "the political existence of the State is independent of recognition by other States."
Therefore, Libertaria is not bound to the rules & laws of other nations, nor does Libertaria need their permission to exist.
Libertaria is a separate, independent nation. We, in the Libertaria Nation, exercise full civil jurisdiction and all concurrent jurisdiction over Libertaria lands. Currently, Libertaria exists as a state within other states, much like the Navajo Nation.
The Libertaria nation is ruled by it’s Khan, Berty Khan, who has pledged his efforts to guiding the nation into the future. In the time of the Great Tartarian Empire rule, only those with bloodlines tied to Ghengis Khan could be Khans, otherwise called GhengisID. Since Berty Khan (Dan Berty) has claimed relation to the Khan’s Dolet Birdy and Kerim Birdy, descendants of Ghengis Khan’s first son Touschi, and later the founder of the Golden Horde, Batu Khan, Berty Khan has the legitimate right to rule the nation. Any nation with leaders without GhengisID, are considered illegitimate nations with leadership presented only with titles, not legitimate authority. Therefore, it is of our Khan’s opinion, Libertaria is not only a real Nation, Libertaria is the only known legitimate Nation available to the people, and all other nations with elected officials without GhengisID are considered illegitimate.
Can I become a citizen of Libertaria?
Yes, all righteous humans may become a Libertaria citizen provided they take the Oath of Independence and withhold the oath they take.
You do not need to move to a designated area to become a citizen. As a free person, you are free to be where you want to be, provided you’re not trespassing. You are free to travel where you want to travel. You may have dual citizenship if you choose, so that you do not have to forfeit your citizenship to your prior country. As a Libertaria citizen, you may also claim land and property to the nation of Libertaria.
You will not receive a Libertaria form of identification. Part of being a free human being is not needing forms of identification to access certain benefits to only the ones that comply. A free human being does not need to ask for permission or comply to certain rules and restrictions. It is expected that by taking the Oath of Independence that you with hold the words that you say.
What form of currency does Libertaria have?
There is no currency for Libertaria, and there never will be. Money is a form of control. Capitalism does not work outside the classroom theories. This does not mean Libertaria is communist, socialist, or any other political term. Libertaria is a nation of community empowerment where members of the community seek to serve one another and focus their energies on service to one another, empowering others, and recreation.
The Khan understands that material objects are important to humans, but by creating communities without currency, many nonessential life supporting industries (banking, marketing, insurance, law, politics etc) are worthless, which allows the citizens to concentrate on growing food, recreation, innovation, construction, education, and travel. It is expected that all citizens look to serve each other to maintain a high level of living for all. However, it is important that rest and recreational activities far exceed any type of work requirements.
Objects can also be traded, borrowed, and shared among individuals. Citizens may also use other nation’s currency to obtain possessions.
Will I have to pay taxes or fees to be a citizen of Libertaria?
Mandatory Taxation is theft, and will never be permitted. Citizens are expected to pay their communities with their service to the community. Each community is free to decide and create the opportunities for citizen involvement. As a citizen of Libertaria, or owner of claimed Libertaria property, you could possibly receive the benefit of no longer paying tax to your previous government.
How do I claim land or property for the nation of Libertaria?
As a citizen of Libertaria, you are able to claim land and property for the nation of Libertaria. Here is an example template that can be sent to the local municipality to inform them that the land is no longer under their umbrella of control:
Why should I become a citizen of Libertaria, what’s the benefit?
Personal Freedom! To an independent person, such as Berty Khan, freedom is the ultimate benefit.
Most people’s 1st reaction to this might be to think they are currently free, especially those living in the USA, but a quick check of limitations quickly shows no US Citizens are truely free. Does a free man need to pay for the permission to catch a fish? Is a free man tricked into paying the government 1/3 of his paycheck? Is a free man forced to wear a mask to be able to purchase his food? While there’s a case that might be made for each of those, understand that the mandatory nature of the above restricts true personal freedom.
Another benefit to becoming a citizen of Libertaria is no mandatory fees or taxation. Maybe you the reader are a owner of a Ski Resort, or a Golf Course, or a Recreation facility, etc and you regularly are forced to pay a large percentage of your profits to Federal, State, and Local taxes, while also being forced to follow their laws and rules. By notifying the local authorities that you and your property are no longer under their jurisdiction, you and your property maybe no longer responsible for paying tax to them or following their rules. While there are some valuable services that rely on tax dollars, such as Police, Ambulance Services, the Coast Guard, National Park Services, Fire Departments, as well as others not listed above, that need income to survive in the current capitalistic market, the Khan recommends that those necessary services are supported individually by donations of time or their nation’s currency until those service centers also become part of the Libertaria nation.
Taking the Oath of Independence is the only requirement to citizenship. However, the Khan prefers that citizens are independent by nature, not those that rely on authority & constant direction. Those that seek to control others or do harm to others are not welcome, and those that do not abide to the Oath they have take will be outcast from Libertaria, and depending on the severity of their wrong doing, may not be welcome back.
Can I visit Libertaria?
While there are lands under Libertaria rule, they are not currently set up for public visitation at this time. As the nation of Libertaria expands with new citizens, claimed lands, and claimed property, Libertaria areas will open to citizens visit. If this interests you, please enter your info on the Contact Us page to stay updated, as email is the only form of communication with Berty Khan at this time.
Is there anyone that cannot join Libertaria?
Anyone, specifically political or pHARMaceutical officers, that contributed to the virus hoax perpetrated on mankind since late 2019 for implementing UN policies of controlling humans will NOT be permitted to join Libertaria and must find other means of survival.
Those that have worked for NASA, SpaceX and/or other space agencies are not welcome to join.
Those that have been in management for large media companies are not welcome to join.
Those that are closely tied to the Vatican are not welcome to join.
Those that have managed Weather Modification/Atmospheric spraying programs are not welcome to join.
Those that seek to control others and/or remove free will by using political/religious/debt enslavement techniques are not welcome.
Those that do or want to do violence against others are not welcome.
Are government employees/agency’s the enemies of Libertaria?
Berty Khan strongly believes that humans are naturally good, not bad. Humans that do harm to others are because of ignorance (hidden nature of reality) and/or living in a bad situations (poverty, addiction, following misguided leadership). A goal of Libertaria is to remove both reasons.
The Khan has spent more than 10 years of employment in various levels of government within the USA. He has experienced & worked with many great individuals, who like himself, got into the line of work because they wanted to make a positive difference in their community. It is the Khan’s belief that this applies to many who work as government employees. These are good people that the Khan wants to join Libertaria, as once they are removed from the authoritarian rule they currently are in, and are given the opportunity to be free and serve their community in a meaningful way, they will truly be great assets to the nation of Libertaria.
The politicians on a federal and state level, as well as the upper management of the agencies are unfortunately corrupted by their allegiances to secret societies, corporations, black mail, etc. This broken capitalistic system permits gross corruption and freedom removals in the current follow the leader hive mindset, and weakens the strength of those outside nations. By removing money & authority structures from what the nation of Libertaria offers to individuals, the nation is better protected from corruption, and in turn promotes individual gains rather than individual enslavement.