Libertaria (lib-bur-tar-eah) is a separate, independent nation, where it’s citizens are completely FREE from oppression.

Freedom is your choice


Opt Out

If you have found yourself in a game that is rigged for your failure, the only reasonable option is to quit playing the game. That’s modern day society, a rigged game that was built for human enslavement. Those that refuse to opt out of this system are consenting their approval that no matter what the cost, it’s their best option. We want to give you an option to opt out of the system and join the free society of Libertaria.

Join Libertaria

Take the Oath of Independence for citizenship. The strength of this new Nation is that it’s citizens uphold the Oath that they take. Please do not take the Oath unless you plan to uphold your words. No one will force you to make such an Oath, only once you are ready to make a promise to yourself will you be ready to be a citizen. It’s encouraged, but not mandatory, that the 1st time taking this Oath is done in the presence of another Citizen. No passports or other forms of identification will be given.

Share Libertaria

Libertaria is not a cult, or a Religion, or something that needs a Sales pitch. If you have joined Libertaria, and you know other independent people, in search of freedom, or simply fed up with their governments, send them here to let them know they have a choice. You can also print these business card size print outs listing this website to hand out to people (open both Sides & print on same paper to have a front & back side):


Claim Lands and Property

How did the story of the US settlers gain property for them to build communities and live once they arrived? They would’ve claimed it from someone else. The Khan has claimed his lands by using this template to notify Municipalities of the land’s being Claimed as part of Libertaria property, and no longer their own. The Khan owned the property outright, with no debts attached to the property, prior to claiming the land, and would recommend the same to fellow Citizens. The Khan recommends only claiming lands and property that the Citizen owns or a foreign government owned property. Do not attempt to claim lands or property that is owned by another person or company, as that property is owned by a non citizen, therefor cannot be Libertaria lands.

Here is the template Berty Khan created for Libertaria’s citizens to update to their specific claimed lands, and to then send to the respective municipal the lands are located in:

Birth of the Nation

On 7/4/2021, Berty Khan declared his independence from the USA, declaring himself a US National, as a natural born human, and a citizen of the new nation of Libertaria.

On 8/18/2021, the Libertaria website officially went live. Born on a 22 day, Libertaria is a Master Builder (Numerology).

Golden Black Horde

Rather than being referred to as a Libertarian, which is currently a political term, citizens of Libertaria are referred to as either a Citizen of Libertaria or a Golden Black Horde member, both meaning the same thing. This is to avoid any claim of affiliation to a political party. The Golden Horde was created by Batu Khan, a distant relation to Berty Khan, so the Golden Black Horde is a tribute to Batu. As Berty Khan is also from Pittsburgh, PA, the city of Black & Gold, the Golden Black Horde is also a tribute to the city of Pittsburgh.

  • Official Flag of Libertaria

    Plain right? This is so that anyone can create their own flag. There are no hidden meanings or complexities to the National flag, only the name of Libertaria. Like most things Libertaria, this is also to reduce the barriers to entry. Anyone can make their own flag with a piece of paper & pen, a white t-shirt & sharpie, or find somewhere that can create the flag out of a typical flag material, it’s up to you.

    Placing or hanging this flag on Libertaria lands is not mandatory, but encouraged to promote the nation and notify citizens from other nations that the property is not under their jurisdiction and rule.

  • Official Song

    Soul Rebel (video below) , created by Bob Marley & The Wailers. Lyrics:

    I’m a rebel

    Soul rebel

    I’m a capturer

    Soul adventurer

    I’m a rebel

    Oh ya now, rebel in the morning time

    And in the evening too

    I’m a capturer

    Soul adventurer

    I see the morning sun

    On the hillside ya

    If you’re not living good

    Then travel wide, travel wide

    I’m a rebel

    Oh ya now, rebel in the morning time

    Soul Rebel

    And in the evening too

    I’m a capturer

    Soul adventurer

    Say I’m a living man

    Say I’m a living man,

    I’ve got work to do

    If you’re not happy

    Oh then you must be blue,

    Must be blue

    Must be blue

    I’m a rebel

    Rebel in the morning

    Soul Rebel

    In the mid day time

    I’m a capturer

    Soul adventurer

    Aye, I see the morning sun

    On the hillside

    If you’re not happy then,

    Oh then you must be blue,

    Must be blue

    Must be blue

    I’m singing that I’m a rebel ya, ya, ya

    Soul rebel

    I’m a capturer

    Soul adventurer

    I’m a rebel

    Rebel in the morning time

    Soul Rebel

    And in the evening too

    I’m a capturer


Soul Rebel