True Liberty and Freedom.

Libertaria is a separate, Independent Nation, offering Freedom and Liberty to all humans seeking a great life experience & freedom from oppression. External nations and organizations, such as United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, the Vatican, etc. have no authority or jurisdiction over Libertaria lands or citizens, and may not enter onto Libertaria lands with out permission.


Our mission is to create a community based life experience, freedom from other nation’s restrictions. Libertaria will never allow travel restrictions, forced taxation, geoengineering, forced vaccination, forced medical testing or treatments, mandatory digital identifications, Central Banking digital currencies, mask mandates, debt, restrictive laws, propaganda media sources, or allow any other forms of manipulative population control currently being used by other nations on our citizens.


Creating a better way of life starts with you.

A wise man understands that the only path to freedom is by everyone surrounding him also being free. Empowering humans by creating the best possible nation is the goal here. If you’re interested in true freedom, click below ->


Unsure or have questions?

Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up for YOUR Rights!

This is an Exodus from the current restrictive system. A movement of and by the people.

We know you have questions, click below for the FAQ’s


Humans tend to be happy when helping others.  By creating thriving communities with multiple options for the people with the ability to serve others while having ample opportunities for the recreation they desire and education that empowers them, there should be an abundance of happiness and service to others.

Opt out of the broken system. Declare your Independence. Serve your fellow man. Do no harm. Enjoy true freedom.